Recommended Denim Care

Finding your perfect pair of denim must be followed with the right care. This being said, there is no “right” way but we recommend certain denim practices. For starters, our denim is sanforized and does not require a pre-soak.

Washing is a concern for raw denim wearers but we do recommend washing your jeans if they become dirty. This is important because the bacteria and miscellaneous items like rocks can break down the fibers of the denim which may lead to tears or  blow outs. If you desire contrasted fades you may wash the denim less often. Even the people of Olé treat their pairs differently but we can agree on wearing the jeans often in a six month time span for desirable contrasted fades followed by more consistent washes every couple of months after.

When washing the jeans we skip past the ocean washes and recommend something simple. Fill a tub or container with warm water and use Woolite Dark and hand wash your Olé Denim to remove stains and the smell. When you are finished washing them, empty the container holding water and fill it up with warm water. Flip you jeans inside out and let them soak for 45 minutes or so. After the rinsing process, let the jeans hang dry.